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Notes sur le tag : boris nad

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Boris Nad : préface à son livre The Reawakening of Myth

Boris Nad : préface à son livre The Reawakening of Myth (Éditions PRAV, 2020) https://pravpublishing.com/the-reawakening-of-myth/ Le livre qui vous est présenté, The Reawakening of Myth, est la suite de deux ouvrages : The Return of Myth et The Awakening of Myth. Le premier, The Return of Myth, a été publié en Serbie en 2010. Le livre initialement...

Publié le 21/12/2020 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

The Reawakening of Myth - Selected Works by Boris Nad

The Reawakening of Myth Selected Works by Boris Nad COMING SOON – 10 DECEMBER 2020 Translated and Edited by Jafe Arnold and Zinka Brkić *** In the common parlance of the modern world, “myth” is often taken to refer to something false, a foolish misconception, or the superstitions of primitive societies and archaic worldviews that have been discredited and...

Publié le 08/12/2020 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

European Union, Euro-skepticism, Western Civilization, Eurasianism and Slavic World

European Union, Euro-skepticism, Western Civilization, Eurasianism and Slavic World Boris Nad (Serbia) interviews Robert Steuckers (Brussels) Q.: The European Union, in fact the entire European continent, is in a deep crisis today. The impression is that this crisis is primarily the result of a crisis of ideas. Political ideologies, and first of all liberalism, are...

Publié le 26/11/2017 dans Euro-Synergies par Ratatosk | Lire la suite...

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